Haryana CET Kya Hai? Haryana sarkar jobs after CET

by Mohinish K. Singh

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Haryana CET kya hai? Why clearing this one single exam – makes you eligible for Group D and Group C vacancies in Haryana. Basically, you’re treated like damadji and you’re invited for state govt jobs like clerical posts, Haryana Police, steno, Home guard jobs, etc.

Whether you’re a fresher, a graduate, or an experienced individual – clearing Haryana CET is critical.

Haryana CET kya hai
Haryana CET kya hai?

Why Haryana CET was started by the govt?

Everybody knows that getting a govt job in Haryana is difficult. Due to corruption, court cases, and govt delays – it can take years and decades for qualified people like you to actually get the job.

To bring more transparency in the direct recruitment process, Govt of Haryana introduced CET (Common Entrance Test) to simplify the process. This test was supposed to be conducted once a year by HSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission).

Those who clear CET are treated like damads and are invited to appear for many Haryana state government jobs. Those who aren’t able to clear this one exam – aren’t even allowed to apply.

Who’s eligible to apply for Haryana CET?

Although HSSC conducts Haryana CET group C and Group D exams separately, the only eligibility common between them is citizenship.

  • Of course, you should be a citizen of India (or Nepal or Bhutan).
  • This means that any one in India can apply and clear Haryana CET exams and get a govt job in Haryana.
Note for spl category
  • EWS certificate issued by the Central govt isn’t applicable to the State
  • List of BCA/BCB categories can be found here

Minimum educational qualification needed for Haryana CET?

For Haryana Group D CET:

  • Minimum 10th class pass.
  • Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subjects in Matric (or graduation).

For Haryana Group C CET:

  • Minimum 10+2 pass
  • Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subjects in Matric (or graduation).

Apart from this, HSSC may ask for more qualifications as per the job. However, securing a better CET score means you can apply for more vacancies and get better jobs.

What’s the Age Limit to appear in Haryana CET?

  • Generally, applicants must be between 18 and 42 years old.
  • Individual posts may apply more age limits (for example, constable bharti may ask for 18-25 years)
  • Age relaxation is available as per government guidelines.

How to apply for Haryana CET

  1. Next date of the CET exams should be announced soon – join our WhatsApp group to stay in touch or Subscribe YT channel
  2. Application process is completely online via onetimeregn.haryana.gov.in. All offline submission rejected.
  3. Apply well before the last date to avoid any last minute rush.
  4. Read the current notification and fill the details properly.
  5. Double check everything before final submission as no change or correction or modification is allowed after the closing date.
  6. No change in posts or departments preference is allowed – so be careful.
  7. Any mistake made by cafes guys will be your responsibility so go through your application slowly & personally.
  8. e-Challan will be generated after successful submission of the application (take a print out)
  9. No document is checked at this stage, but they will be checked during the Document Verification stage.
  10. Carry original photo-ID to exam center (e.g. Aadhar card, Voter ID, DL, pan card, passport, etc.)

HSSC photo rules and guidelines for Haryana CET exams:

You must have both the digital and printed photographs. Here’re more rules:

  1. In JPEG (.jpg) file format.
  2. Photo should not be older than 3 months.
  3. The photograph should be in colour and of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch.
  4. The background should be a plain white or off-white.
  5. Head should cover 80% of the photo.
  6. Photo resolution should be 600 DPI minimum.
  7. The photo print should be clear and with a continuous tone quality.
  8. It should have full face, front view, eyes open.
  9. The Photo should present full head from top of hair to bottom of chin.
  10. Centre head within frame.
  11. There should not be any distracting shadows on the face or on the background.
  12. Head coverings are not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown.
  13. The expression on the face should look neutral (no smile & mouth Closed).

You must carry the same photo (at least 2) printed on a quality paper, to the exam center and whenever asked by Commission.

What is the Syllabus, Exam Pattern for Haryana CET & How to prepare

Here’re things to remember:

  • You can appear as many times as you want, there’s no limit
  • You can reappear, improve your scores and improve your chances of securing a higher grade govt job

Exam pattern of CET exam

  • Maximum marks for CET – 100 marks
  • Total 100 MCQs of 95 marks
  • 5 marks for socio-economic criteria
  • Exam time – 90 minutes
  • NO negative marking
  • Minimum 50% qualifying marks i.e. 48.75 (50% of 97.5) (40% for spl category)

Syllabus for CET Exams

Here are some points to consider:

  • For Group D exams the question paper will be of 10th level
  • For Group C exams the question paper will be of 10+2 level
  • Hindi and English will be of 10th Level
  • 75% weightage for General Awareness, Reasoning, quantitative ability, English and Hindi;
  • 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Environment, Culture etc. of Haryana.
  • Additionally, for Group C exams computer knowledge is also included

Here is the syllabus for the entire 8 sections:

General Awareness

Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the environment and its relevance to society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an examinee appearing for the test. The test will include questions relating to India and neighboring countries | especially pertaining to History | Indian Polity & Constitution | Art & Culture | Geography | Economics | General Policy | National/International Organizations/Institutions | Environment | Globalization | Climate | Events | General Science | Computer literacy, etc.


The syllabus includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on Semantic Analogy | Symbolic operations | Symbolic Number Analogy | Trends | Figural Analogy | Space Orientation | Semantic Classification | Observation | relationship | concepts | Venn Diagrams | Symbolic | Number Classification | Drawing inferences | Figural Classification | Punched hole pattern-folding & unfolding | Semantic Series | Figural Pattern folding and completion | number series | Embedded figures | Figural series | critical thinking | problem-solving | emotional intelligence | arithmetical number series | arithmetical reasoning | Word building | Social intelligence | Coding and decoding | other sub-topics, etc.

Quantitative Ability

The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification | Decimals | Fractions | Relationship between numbers | L.C.M. | H.C.F. | Ratio & Proportion | Percentage | roots | Average | Profit & Loss | Discount | Simple & Compound Interest | Mensuration | Partnership business | Mixture and Allegation Time & Work | Time & Distance | Tables & Graphs | Trigonometry | basic Algebra | Geometry, etc.

English Language

Spot the Error | Fill in the Blanks | Synonyms/ Homonyms | Antonyms | Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words | Idioms & Phrases | One-word substitution | Improvement of Sentences | Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs | Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration | Shuffling of Sentence parts | Shuffling of Sentences in a passage | tenses | Cloze Passage | Comprehension Passage, etc.

Hindi Language

शब्द,अलंकार, विकारी शब्द, वाक्य, अविकारी शब्द, पद, पद बंद, मुहावरे, लोकोक्तियां, संधि, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, समास, पर्यायवाची, विलोम व अनेकार्थी शब्द, अयोगवाह, वाक्य शोधन, निपत (अवधारणा), विराम चिन्ह, संबंधबोधक, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द, एकार्थक शब्द, युग्म शब्द, वर्तनी (शब्द एवं वाक्य शुद्धिकरण), वर्ण, स्वर, व्यंजन, विदेशी ध्वनियां, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, क्रिया विशेषण, समुच्चय बोधक, विस्मय बोधक, वचन, लिंग, कारक, काल, तद्भव तत्सम शब्द

General Knowledge of Haryana State:

General awareness which includes History | Literature | Geography | Economy | Civics | Polity | Environment | Art | Culture | Customs | Norms | Society | Current Affairs | Events, etc. of Haryana.

How to prepare for the CET exams

  • Create your exam strategy – focus on your strengths and weaknesses
  • Practice mock tests, previous year papers, etc.
  • Stay motivated – read inspiring books, etc.
  • Explore online study materials and coaching lectures
  • Stay consistent and committed

What happens after CET exams?

How to check your results:

  • HSSC releases the CET results for Group C and Group D within a few weeks after the exams.
  • Check your name in the merit list which is based upon your marks and category.
  • If you’re within the cut-off marks – you’re qualified to proceed to the next stage of the recruitment.

Apply for vacancies and prepare for further stages

  1. Keep a watch on HSSC’s website (also your email) for various vacancies
  2. HSSC invites applications from the pool of CET-qualified candidates – as per the merit list (top people get the desired job invite)
  3. Apply to the ones you are invited and qualify
  4. Prepare for the next stages of exams which may involve written tests, etc.
  5. Once you clear all the stages, you’re invited for Document Verification
  6. And lastly, HSSC prepares a final merit list of recommended candidates who get the job
  7. Waiting list is also prepared but there’s no surety, of course.

Is CET required for Haryana SI?

Probably no. As of writing, SI isn’t mentioned in the notification. If it happens – join us to get the news.

Is CET required for Haryana Police?

As per the HSSC notification, CET qualification is required for Haryana Constable posts. Will it be required for the SI – there’s no official news.

Haryana CET group D posts list

Group D posts are the non-gazetted, non-ministerial posts that requires basic educational qualifications (e.g., 10th pass). Examples include clerks, data entry operators, sweepers, and gardeners.

Haryana CET group C posts list

These are gazetted, non-ministerial positions demanding higher educational qualifications (e.g., 12th pass, graduation, or diploma). Examples include stenographers, computer assistants, constables, and pharmacists.

Can other states apply for the job?

Yes, people from other states can apply and clear this exam. So if you’re ready to relocate then it’s a great opportunity.


Finally, we understand that Haryana CET holds the key to securing a good govt job in the Haryana State Govt. It’s a once a year exam but the marks are valid for 3 years. Anyone can apply for CET however a particular job may require additional qualifications. The exam is basically a prelims for state jobs.

There’s no point in waiting for the notification as CET is going to happen – so start your preparation now.

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Posted By Mohinish K. Singh

I'm an ex-SBI Probationary Officer and blogger who loves to share information and news on govt job exams helping aspirants with tips so they get their dream jobs.

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