Railway Technician Vacancy Recruitment 2024 for Grade 1 posts: Finally, the much-awaited Railway Recruitment for 1092 jobs is here bringing cheer among candidates. Because this new vacancy has come right after Railway Police SI/Constable notification.
This vacancy for railway Grade 1 sarkari naukari is in addition to the Railway Grade 3 sarkari job for engineers – check ALL the detailed eligibility, syllabus, and exam pattern first and then apply.
Table of Contents
Sarkari Job Details for Railway Technician Vacancy 2024
About the post | Technician Grade I Signal (Permanent posts) |
Vacancies | 1,092 All railway zones |
Important dates | Application Start : 9th Mar-2024 Last Date to Apply Online : 8 April 2024 Form correction date: 9-18 April Admit Card : To be Notified (Get free alerts) Exam Date : [oct-dec] (Get free alerts) |
Application Fee | Male Gen – 500/- (others 250/-). Part of Fees will be refunded Form correction fee – 250/- |
Educational qualification / Eligibility | Graduate in science (or any sub stream) / Engineering / Diploma (See the full eligibility) |
Age Limit | 18 Years – 36 Years as on 01.07.2024 (use sarkari age calculator to check age eligibility) |
Joining process (joining kaise hogi?) | 1. Online exams (Exam pattern) 2. Document verification 2. Medical exam |
Salary | Rs. 29,200/- |
Document needed | 1. Photo ID 2. Latest photo (12 copies) 3. Signature photo |
Medical fitness level | Level B-1 (for everyone | for ESM) |
You can apply for your preferred RRB or railway zone at the time of application. However, you can opt for one RRB/zone only – NOTE – PREFERENCE FOR RRB CAN’T BE CHANGED. So, fill your application form correctly.
How to apply for Railway Technician Vacancy Recruitment job?
To apply for recruitment for Grade 1 post, go through the step-by-step instructions below:
- Read the complete job eligibility criteria
- Visit rrbapply.gov.in to apply for the vacancy (alternately, you can visit nearest Common Service Center in your area)
- On top of the RRBApply webpage, hover your cursor over “Apply” button
- If you’ve never applied before for any Railway post, create a new account, otherwise login
- Create a new account with an active email & mobile number
- Enter your details correctly as you’ll not be allowed to change them later
- Next login and select this particular vacancy
- Enter the required details, upload the documents correctly as per the rules
- Choose one RRB as your proffered location; this can’t be changed
- Remember to keep 12 copies of the photo uploaded as they’ll be used throughout the recruitment
- Pay the fee. Enter the refunding fee account accurately to receive the refund after the written test
Important links for Railway Technician Vacancy Grade 1 posts
Join WhatsApp group | Join |
Join YouTube | Join |
Apply Online | click here |
Official detailed notification | Hindi | English |
Syllabus | Hindi | English |
Official website | click here |
JobsKhabar24 tests | UPSC tests / MCQs |
Get free govt job alerts | Get free govt job alerts |
Admit card | Coming soon |
Sarkari results | coming soon |
Who can apply for Railway Technician Grade 1 Vacancy
The educational eligibility is that you must be a graduate in any of these streams
- B.Sc in Physics / Electronics / Computer Science / IT / Instrumentation OR any sub-stream of above subjects
- OR
- 3-yrs diploma in Engineering in above streams or combination of any
- OR
- Degree in Engineering in the above streams or combination of streams
Is there any medical fitness standard for the Railway Technician Vacancy Grade1 Job?
Yes, different vacancies require different medical standards – especially for Vision standards. Check the detailed notification page 19 for the exact medical standard needed for a particular position – but here’s the overall standard needed for non-ESM candidates.
no. | Medical Standard | General Fitness | Vision Standard for Ex-Service Men |
2 | B-1 | Physically fit in all respects | 1. Distance vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lense not to exceed 4D) 2. Near Vision: same as above, & 3. Must pass test for colour vision, Binocular vision, night vision & Mesopic vision* |
What are the vision standards for Ex-Service Men (ESM) for the above posts?
no. | Medical Standard | General Fitness | Vision Standard for Ex-Service Men |
2 | B-1 | Physically fit in all respects | 1. Distance vision: 6/12, 6/24 with or without glasses (power of lense not to exceed 8D) 2. Near Vision: same as above 3. Must pass test for colour vision, Binocular vision, night vision & Mesopic vision* |
What’s Mesopic vision test? This test checks whether you can see low-light conditions in the morning or evening? It’s required for railway jobs esp. for inspectors, drivers, maintenance staff to properly work in those hours.
What will be the exam pattern for the Recruitment Exams?
Subjects (90 minutes) | Marks/ Questions |
General Awareness | 10 |
General Intelligence and Reasoning | 15 |
Basics of Computers and Applications | 20 |
Mathematics | 20 |
Basic Science and Engineering | 35 |
Total | 100 |
What’s the Syllabus for Railway Technician Vacancy Exams in English?
The syllabus for Grade 1 posts is:
General Awareness: Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Polity and constitution, Indian Economy, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, Sports, General scientific and technological developments, etc.
General Intelligence and Reasoning: Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and decision making, Similarities and differences, Analytical reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement -Arguments and Assumptions, etc.
Basics of Computers and Applications: Architecture of Computers; input and Output devices; Storage devices, Networking, Operating System like Windows, Unix, Linux; MS Office; Various data representation; Internet and Email; Websites & Web Browsers; Computer Virus.
Mathematics: Number system, Rational and irrational numbers, BODMAS rule, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progression, Similar Triangles, Pythagoras Theorem, Co-ordinate Geometry,
Trigonometrical Ratios, Heights and distances, Surface area and Volume; Sets: Sets and their representations, Empty set, Finite and Infinite sets, Equal sets, Subsets, Subsets of a set of real
numbers, Universal set, Venn diagrams, Union and Intersection of sets, Difference of sets, Complement of a set, Properties of Complement; Statistics: Measures of Dispersion: Range, Mean
deviation, variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/grouped data; probability occurrence of
events, exhaustive events, mutually exclusive events.Basic Science and Engineering: Physics fundamentals- Units, Measurements, Mass, Weight, Density, Work, Power, and Energy, Speed and Velocity, Heat and Temperature; Electricity and Magnetism- Electric Charge, Field, and Intensity, Electric Potential and Potential Difference, Simple Electric Circuits, Conductors, Non-conductors/Insulators, Ohm’s Law and its Limitations, Resistances in Series and Parallel of a Circuit and Specific Resistance, Relation between Electric Potential, Energy,
and Power (Wattage), Ampere’s Law, Magnetic Force on Moving Charged Particle and Long Straight Conductors, Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday’s Law, and Electromagnetic Flux, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Induction; Electronics and Measurements- Basic Electronics, Digital Electronics, Electronic
Devices and Circuits, Microcontroller, Microprocessor, Electronic Measurements, Measuring Systems and Principles, Range Extension Methods, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, LCD, LED Panel, Transducers.
what’s the Syllabus for Railway Technician Vacancy Exams in Hindi?
सामान्य जागरूकता: वर्तमान मामलों का ज्ञान, भारतीय भूगोल, संस्कृति और भारत के इतिहास का ज्ञान जिसमें स्वतंत्रता संघर्ष, भारतीय भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था, भारत और विश्व से संबंधित पर्यावरणीय मुद्दे, खेल, सामान्य वैज्ञानिक और तकनीकी विकास आदि शामिल हैं।
सामान्य बुद्धि और तर्क: उपमाएँ, वर्णमाला और संख्या श्रृंखला, कोडिंग और डिकोडिंग, गणितीय संचालन, संबंध, सिलेगिज्म, जंबलिंग, वेन आशिक डेटा व्याख्या और पर्याप्तता, निष्कर्ष और निर्णय लेने, समानताएं और अंतर, विश्लेषणात्मक तर्क, वर्गीकरण, निर्देश, विवरण, विवरण तर्क और धारणा आदि।
कंप्यूटर और अनुप्रयोगों की मूल बातें: कंप्यूटर की वास्तुकला; इनपुट और अउट्युट टपुट डिवाइस; स्टोरेज डिवाइस, नेटवर्किंग, ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम जैसे विंडोज, यूनिक्स, लिनक्स; एमएस ऑफिस; विभिन्न डेटा प्रतिनिधित्व; इंटरनेट और ईमेल; वेबसाइट और वेब ब्राउज़र; कंप्यूटर वायरस।
गणित: संख्या प्रणाली, तर्कसंगत और तर्कहीन संख्या, बोडमास नियम, द्विघात समीकरण, अंकगणितीय प्रगति, समान त्रिकोण, पाइथागोरस प्रमेय, समन्वय ज्यामिति, त्रिकोणमितीय अनुपात, ऊंचाइयों और दूरी, सतह क्षेत्र और मात्रा; सेट: सेट और उनके अभ्यावेदन, खाली सेट, परिमित और अनंत सेट, समान सेट, सबसेट, वास्तविक संख्याओं के एक सेट के सबसेट, यूनिवर्सल सेट, वेन आरेख, संघ और सेट के चौराहे, सेट का अंतर, एक सेट का पूरक, गुण पूरक की; सांख्यिकी: फैलाव के उपाय: सीमा, माध्य विचलन, विचरण और अनग्रुप/समूहीकृत डेटा का मानक विचलन; घटनाओं की संभावना घटना, संपूर्ण घटनाओं, पारस्परिक रूप से अनन्य घटनाओं ।
बुनियादी विज्ञान और इंजीनियरिंग: भौतिकी बुनियादी बातों- इकाइयाँ, माप, द्रव्यमान, वजन, घनत्व, कार्य, शक्ति और ऊर्जा, गति और वेग, गर्मी और तापमान; बिजली और चुंबकत्व- इलेक्ट्रिक चार्ज, फील्ड, और तीव्रता, विदूयुत क्षमता और संभावित अंतर, सरल इलेक्ट्रिक सर्किट, कंडक्टर, गैर-कंडक्टर/इंसुलेटर, ओम के कानून, न और इसकी सीमाएं, श्रृंखला में प्रतिरोधचऔर एक सर्किट और विशिष्ट प्रतिरोध के समानांतर, संबंध, संबंध, संबंध विदूयुत क्षमता, ऊर्जा, और शक्ति (वाटेज), एम्पीयर का नियम, चलतीब्चार्जी कण परैश्चुंबकीय बल और लंबे सीधे कंडक्टर, विद्युत चुम्बकीय प्रेरण, फैराडे का नियम, और विद्युत चुम्बकीय प्रवाह, चुंबकीय क्षेत्र, चुंबकीय प्रेरण; इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स और माप- बुनियादी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स, डिजिटल इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डिवाइस और सर्किट, माइक्रोक॑द्रोलर, माइक्रोप्रोसेसर, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक माप, माप प्रणाली और सिद्धांत, रेंज एक्सटेंशन विधियाँ, कैथोड रे ऑसिलोस्कोप, एलसीडी, एलईडी पैनल, द्रांसड्यूसर।
What’s the salary for Railway Technician Grade 1 posts?
Your salary for Grade 1 posts is 29,200/-; this is apart from the various perks, positions, and allowances.
What’re the documents required to apply for Railway Technician Vacancy online?
To apply for the job you need – a scanned copy of Photo ID, passport sized recent photo, and a signature photo.
I’m waiting for my final results – can I apply?
No. Candidates waiting for final Graduation marks can’t apply for this opening.
I’ve undergone LASIK surgery, can I apply?
If you have undergone LASIK or any surgery to correct refractory error then you are ineligible for posts requiring Medical Standard A3. However, you can apply for other Group 3 or railway vacancies.
What are the age relaxation for the posts?
For SC/ST candidates – 5 years; for OBC (Non-creamy) – 3 years. For Ex-service men 3 years. But ESM (OBC – non creamy) – 6 years. ESM (SC/ST) – 8 YEARS. Pls refer notification for more page 6 of the notification.
How many RRBs are participating in this vacancy?
Almost all – though number of vacancies are subject to change – RRB Ahmedabad, RRB Ajmer, RRB Prayagraj, RRB Bangalore, RRB Bhopal, RRB Bhubaneswar, RRB Bilaspur, RRB Chandigarh, RRB Chennai, RRB Gorakhpur, RRB Guwahati, RRB Jammu-Srinagar, RRB Kolkata, RRB Malda, RRB Mumbai, RRB Muzaffarpur, RRB Patna, RRB Ranchi, RRB Secunderabad, RRB Siliguri, & RRB Thiruvananthapuram
When will be the Railway Technician Vacancy Exam 2024 conducted?
The RRB exam will be conducted in sep-oct 2024. The exam date will be announced soon.
What’s the minimum qualifying marks for the exams?
For Railway Grade1 Technical exams the min qualifying marks to be considered for Document Verification are different for different categories. These are: UR & EWS – 40%; OBC (NCL) – 30%; SC – 30%; sT – 25%